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Chrome Unveils AI-Powered Browsing Revolution

Chrome Unveils AI-Powered Browsing Revolution

In the ever-evolving landscape of web browsing, Chrome has once again set itself apart with its recent unveiling of AI-powered features.

From tab groups to an AI-generated writing assistant and personalized themes, Chrome is poised to revolutionize the way we navigate the internet.

But with this newfound power comes a multitude of questions: How will tab groups streamline our browsing experience?

How can the AI-generated writing assistant elevate our writing skills?

And what possibilities lie within the realm of personalized themes?

As we delve into these exciting developments, we find ourselves on the precipice of a browsing revolution, eager to uncover the transformative potential of Chrome's AI integration.

Key Takeaways

  • Tab Groups: Chrome's AI-powered tab grouping feature allows users to efficiently organize and manage their open tabs. With intuitive organization tools and suggestions for grouping related tabs, users can easily stay organized and improve their browsing experience.
  • Writing Assistant: Chrome's writing assistant enhances users' writing skills by providing intuitive suggestions and guidance. Accessible by right-clicking on a text field, this feature boosts creativity and productivity while improving communication in public spaces.
  • AI-Generated Themes: Users can now customize the Chrome interface based on their preferences with AI-generated themes. With suggestions based on moods and color customization options, these themes enhance the visual aesthetics of the browsing experience, drawing inspiration from various art styles.
  • Availability and User Interface: The new AI-powered features will be available in the near future, with the writing assistant launching next month and the tab organizer and theme generator releasing in a few days. The user-friendly interface ensures seamless navigation and easy access to tab groups, writing assistant, and AI-generated themes, enhancing productivity and user satisfaction.

Tab Groups: Streamlining Your Browsing Experience

Tab groups in Google Chrome revolutionize the browsing experience by efficiently organizing and managing open tabs with the help of AI-powered suggestions and intuitive organization tools.

This feature is designed to increase productivity and streamline workflows by allowing users to group related tabs together. Users can simply right-click on a tab to organize similar tabs into a group, and the AI suggests names and emojis to make it easier to find specific tabs later on.

This not only helps in organizing multiple projects, but also in planning trips or any other task that involves multiple tabs.

With tab groups, users can easily switch between different sets of tabs, making it a breeze to navigate and stay focused while browsing.

Writing Assistant: Elevating Your Writing Skills

The AI-powered writing assistant in Google Chrome enhances users' writing skills with its intuitive suggestions and guidance in various public spaces. By right-clicking on a text field, users can access this feature, which understands their intent and helps polish their writing.

The writing assistant is particularly useful for online reviews, social media posts, and emails, as it boosts creativity and enhances productivity. With its assistance, users can write confidently and effectively, improving their communication in public spaces.

This feature is part of Chrome's ongoing commitment to incorporating AI and machine learning to provide users with a user-friendly interface and innovative tools. By leveraging the power of AI, Chrome aims to elevate users' writing skills and make their online experiences more seamless and enjoyable.

AI-Generated Themes: Personalizing Your Chrome Experience

customizing chrome with ai

Continuing its commitment to providing users with a personalized browsing experience, Google Chrome introduces AI-generated themes that allow users to customize their Chrome interface based on their preferred moods, colors, and art styles. With AI powered customization, users can enhance the visual aesthetics of their browsing experience.

Here's how AI-generated themes work:

  1. Personalized customization: Users can create themes that reflect their unique preferences and styles.
  2. Mood-based themes: AI suggests themes based on different moods, such as serene, vibrant, or minimalist.
  3. Color customization: Users can select their favorite colors or color palettes to create a theme that matches their preferences.
  4. Art style inspiration: AI-generated themes are inspired by various art styles, such as abstract, impressionism, or minimalism.

Availability: When Can You Expect These Exciting Features?

Users can anticipate the availability of these exciting features in the near future from Google Chrome.

The AI-powered browsing revolution promises to have a significant impact on the user experience.

The writing assistant feature, which helps users write with confidence in public spaces, will be available next month. This feature assists users in polishing their writing by understanding their intent.

The tab organizer and theme generator will be released in just a few days, providing users with the ability to easily organize their open tabs and create personalized themes based on moods, colors, and art styles.

Furthermore, Chrome has plans to integrate the new AI model, Gemini, and is constantly working on improving with new AI features.

With these upcoming advancements, Chrome aims to enhance the browsing experience with the power of AI.

User Interface: Navigating Chrome's AI-Powered Tools

chrome s ai powered navigation tools

With the imminent release of Chrome's tab organizer and theme generator, users will soon be able to seamlessly navigate and utilize the various AI-powered tools within the browser's user-friendly interface. Chrome's user interface is designed to enhance user experience and maximize productivity by providing intuitive access to AI-assisted features.

Here's how users can navigate Chrome's AI-powered tools:

  1. Tab Groups: Users can right-click on a tab to organize similar tabs into groups suggested by AI. This helps manage multiple projects or trip planning efficiently.
  2. Writing Assistant: By right-clicking on a text field, users can access the AI-powered writing assistant. It understands the user's intent and provides assistance to write confidently in public spaces, such as online reviews, social media posts, and emails.
  3. AI-Generated Themes: Users can create themes based on moods, colors, and art styles using the AI-generated themes feature. This is inspired by the AI-generated wallpaper trend and allows users to choose from a list of preselected words to create personalized themes.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Chrome's interface makes it easy for users to access and change tab groups, writing assistant, and AI-generated themes. This ensures a smooth and efficient browsing experience, enhancing productivity and user satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does the AI in Chrome's Tab Groups Feature Suggest and Create Groups Based on Open Tabs?

The AI in Chrome's tab groups feature suggests and creates groups based on open tabs through AI-powered suggestions and AI-driven organization. This assists users with multiple projects or trip planning, improving productivity and organization.

Can the Ai-Powered Writing Assistant in Chrome Help With Grammar and Spelling Corrections?

Yes, the AI-powered writing assistant in Chrome can help with grammar and spelling corrections. It understands the user's intent and assists in polishing their writing, making it useful for online reviews, social media posts, and emails.

How Does the Ai-Generated Themes Feature in Chrome Work? Can Users Customize the Themes Further?

The AI-generated themes feature in Chrome allows users to create personalized themes based on moods, colors, and art styles. While users can choose from preselected words, further customization options based on user preferences are available.

When Will the Writing Assistant Feature Be Available to Chrome Users?

The availability of the writing assistant feature for Chrome users is set for next month, providing assistance in writing confidently in public spaces. Users can access the feature by right-clicking on a text field.

How Can Users Access and Navigate the Ai-Assisted Features in Chrome's User Interface?

Users can access and navigate AI-assisted features in Chrome's user interface by right-clicking on tabs for tab groups, on text fields for the writing assistant, and in the Customize Chrome panel for AI-generated themes. These features enhance the browsing experience with AI-powered benefits.


In conclusion, Chrome's introduction of AI-powered features marks a significant advancement in enhancing the browsing experience. These tools streamline browsing, elevate writing skills, and personalize the Chrome experience.

Tab groups, the writing assistant, and AI-generated themes are examples of these AI-powered features. Tab groups allow users to organize their tabs and easily switch between different groups. The writing assistant helps users improve their writing skills by offering suggestions and corrections. AI-generated themes personalize the Chrome interface by automatically generating themes based on a user's preferences.

With a user-friendly interface and plans for further AI integration, Chrome continues to lead the way in innovation. As the saying goes, 'Innovation is the key to progress,' and Chrome's AI-powered browsing revolution is a testament to this.

Drones for Beginners: An Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Drones for Beginners: An Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have surged in popularity over the last decade, finding applications in diverse fields such as photography, agriculture, surveillance, and recreational flying. This guide is designed to introduce beginners to the basics of drone technology, operation, and regulations to help you get started with confidence.

Understanding Drones

Drones are essentially flying robots that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in conjunction with onboard sensors and GPS.

Types of Drones

  • Multirotor Drones: The most common type for beginners and professionals alike, offering easy control and stable flight. They are ideal for photography and videography.
  • Fixed-Wing Drones: Resemble airplanes and can cover long distances. They are often used for mapping and surveying.
  • Single Rotor Drones: Look like miniature helicopters and are more efficient than multirotors, but are typically more complex to operate.

Choosing Your First Drone

When selecting your first drone, consider the following factors:

  • Purpose: Decide what you want to use the drone for, whether it’s aerial photography, racing, or just recreational flying.
  • Budget: Prices can range from under $100 to several thousand dollars. Determine how much you’re willing to spend.
  • Features: Look for features that suit your needs, such as camera quality, flight time, and range.

In 2024, beginners have a range of drones to consider, from the budget-friendly CHUBORY F89 with its impressive 1080p video capability and 40-minute flight time, to the high-end DJI Air2s Fly More Combo, notable for its 5.4k video resolution and advanced obstacle avoidance. The DJI Mini 3 Pro stands out for its exceptional image quality packed into a compact frame, making it ideal for mobile content creators. Additionally, budget-conscious beginners might look into the DEERC D10 or Holy Stone Quadcopter, which offer good features at a lower cost.

Basic Drone Operations

Before your first flight, familiarize yourself with the basic controls:

  • Throttle: Controls the altitude, or vertical movement.
  • Yaw: Rotates the drone left or right.
  • Pitch: Tilts the drone forward or backward.
  • Roll: Tilts the drone left or right for lateral movement.

Pre-Flight Checklist

  • Check the weather: Avoid flying in high winds or rain.
  • Inspect the drone: Ensure all parts are in good condition and securely attached.
  • Check the battery: Make sure it’s fully charged.
  • Review local regulations: Understand and comply with local drone flying laws.

Safety and Regulations

Flying drones comes with a responsibility to ensure the safety of people and property. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Avoid crowded areas: Always fly in open spaces away from people and buildings.
  • Maintain line of sight: Keep the drone within your visual line of sight at all times.
  • Respect privacy: Do not fly over private properties or take photos or videos without permission.
  • Know the laws: Familiarize yourself with the regulations set by the aviation authority in your country, such as the FAA in the United States.

Registering Your Drone

In many countries, you must register your drone with the relevant aviation authority if it meets certain criteria, such as weight. Check the requirements and register your drone if needed.

Drone Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and safety of your drone. Here are some maintenance tips:

  • Check for damage: Regularly inspect your drone for any wear or damage.
  • Update firmware: Keep the drone’s firmware updated to ensure optimal performance.
  • Clean your drone: Keep the drone clean from dust and debris, especially the motors and propellers.

Learning to Fly

Start by practicing in a safe, open area. Begin with simple maneuvers and gradually progress to more complex flights as you become more comfortable and confident in your skills.

Join a Community

Joining a drone flying community can provide valuable advice, tips, and support as you learn. It’s also a great way to connect with other enthusiasts and stay informed about the latest drone technology and regulations.


Drones offer an accessible and exciting way to explore the skies, capture stunning aerial footage, and engage in a rapidly evolving hobby or profession. By understanding the basics of drone operation, safety, and regulations, you’re now ready to embark on your drone flying journey. Remember to fly safely, responsibly, and enjoy the freedom of flight that drones provide.


OpenAI Eases Ban on Military Use of ChatGPT

OpenAI Eases Ban on Military Use of ChatGPT

OpenAI's recent decision to ease its ban on the military use of ChatGPT, its powerful generative AI technology, has generated significant concern and debate.

While the company maintains its prohibition on activities causing physical harm, the removal of restrictions on military applications raises important questions about the potential implications of AI in warfare.

As experts have long expressed apprehensions about the role of AI in combat, OpenAI's policy change has intensified these concerns.

This article delves into the implications of OpenAI's decision, examining the limitations and possibilities of its technology in military applications and exploring the uncertainties surrounding its commitment to restricting such use.

By understanding the nuances of this policy change, we can gain a better understanding of the potential impact of AI in military contexts.

Key Takeaways

  • OpenAI has revised its usage policy, eliminating the previous restriction on military and warfare applications of its technology.
  • The revised policy still prohibits the use of OpenAI's tools for malicious purposes and maintains the prohibition against using them to harm oneself or others.
  • The introduction of generative AI technologies like OpenAI's ChatGPT has raised concerns about the negative impacts of AI in warfare.
  • While ChatGPT lacks the capability for lethal actions, it can be utilized in non-lethal tasks such as coding or managing procurement requests, and it is already being used by military personnel for administrative processes.

Background of Openai's Policy Revision

The revision of OpenAI's policy on military and warfare applications, implemented on January 10, 2024, marked a significant shift in the organization's stance on the use of its technology in defense-related contexts.

The implications of this policy revision have raised concerns regarding its impact on national security efforts. OpenAI's previous policy banned activities with a high risk of physical harm, but the revised policy now allows for the use of its technology in military and warfare applications.

While OpenAI maintains a prohibition against using its service to harm oneself or others, the elimination of the restriction on defense-related applications opens up possibilities for military establishments to utilize OpenAI's tools for various purposes beyond warfare-focused endeavors.

This shift in policy has sparked uncertainty regarding the actual impact it will have and the potential applications that may contribute to national security efforts.

Concerns About AI in Warfare

Concerns surrounding the implications of AI in warfare have become a prominent focus for experts globally. As the capabilities of AI technologies like OpenAI's ChatGPT continue to advance, ethical implications and global security concerns are being raised. Some of the key concerns include:

  • Unintended consequences: AI in warfare raises concerns about the potential for unintended consequences and the lack of human oversight in critical decision-making processes.
  • Arms race: The development and deployment of AI in warfare could lead to an arms race, with countries seeking to gain a technological advantage over one another.
  • Lack of accountability: AI-powered autonomous weapons raise concerns about the lack of accountability for actions taken during warfare, as decisions are made by machines rather than humans.

These concerns highlight the need for careful consideration and regulation of AI technologies in the context of warfare to ensure global security and mitigate potential risks.

Non-Lethal Tasks for Chatgpt

tasks for non lethal chatgpt

As the use of AI in warfare continues to raise concerns and ethical implications, it is important to explore the potential non-lethal tasks that OpenAI's ChatGPT can assist with.

While military organizations primarily deal with activities related to causing harm or preserving the ability to do so, ChatGPT lacks the capability to directly engage in lethal actions. However, it can still be valuable in training applications and supporting various non-lethal tasks.

For example, ChatGPT could assist with coding or managing procurement requests, providing efficiency and accuracy in administrative processes.

Moreover, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has considered utilizing ChatGPT to support human analysts.

Incorporating ChatGPT into these non-lethal tasks could potentially enhance productivity and streamline operations within the military while also addressing ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in warfare.

Uncertainty Surrounding Openai's Policy

OpenAI's revised usage policy has given rise to significant uncertainty regarding its stance on military and warfare applications. This uncertainty has raised ethical implications and potential consequences.

The following points highlight the key concerns surrounding OpenAI's policy:

  • Lack of confirmation: OpenAI has not explicitly confirmed whether it will uphold its previous prohibition on military and warfare activities, leaving people unsure about the company's position.
  • Growing interest: There is a growing interest from the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community in utilizing OpenAI's technology for military purposes, further adding to the uncertainty.
  • Policy impact: The actual impact of OpenAI's policy change remains uncertain, as its current offerings do not have the capability to control drones or launch missiles. However, the policy does allow for applications that contribute to national security efforts.

The uncertainties surrounding OpenAI's policy raise important questions about the responsible and ethical use of AI in military contexts, with potential consequences that need careful consideration.

Openai's Role in Military Applications

openai and military use

OpenAI's GPT platforms have the potential to contribute to various military applications that align with the company's mission. The recent policy change allowing military use of ChatGPT opens up possibilities for its integration into non-lethal tasks within the military context.

While ChatGPT lacks the capability for lethal actions, it can assist in tasks like coding and managing procurement requests, streamlining administrative processes, and summarizing extensive documentation.

However, the involvement of OpenAI's technology in military applications raises ethical implications and potential risks. Concerns about the negative impacts of AI in warfare have been a significant focus for experts globally. It remains uncertain how OpenAI will uphold its explicit prohibition on malicious use, especially considering the growing interest from the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community.

Further exploration and evaluation of OpenAI's role in military applications are necessary to ensure responsible and ethical deployment of its technology.

Noteworthy Points About Openai's Policy Change

The revised usage policy of OpenAI regarding military applications raises notable points that warrant attention and evaluation. Some of the noteworthy points include:

  • Implications for national security: OpenAI's policy change allows for potential military applications that contribute to national security efforts. This opens up possibilities for utilizing OpenAI's technology in tasks such as summarizing documentation or streamlining administrative processes for military establishments.
  • Potential ethical implications: The use of AI in warfare has raised concerns about the negative impacts it may have. While OpenAI's ChatGPT lacks the capability for lethal actions, there are ethical considerations surrounding the development and use of AI in military contexts. The policy change brings about questions regarding the responsible and ethical deployment of AI technologies in national security and defense.

It is crucial to carefully examine and address these implications to ensure that the use of AI in military applications aligns with ethical standards and safeguards national security interests.

Implications of Openai's Decision for Military Use

openai s stance on military usage

The revised usage policy of OpenAI regarding military applications has significant implications for national security and the responsible deployment of AI technologies in defense.

The decision to ease the ban on military use raises ethical considerations and potential future implications. While OpenAI maintains its prohibition against using its technology for malicious purposes, allowing military applications of ChatGPT opens up possibilities that align with the organization's mission.

However, concerns about the negative impacts of AI in warfare persist, as AI capabilities continue to push boundaries in the context of defense. The uncertainty surrounding OpenAI's policy on military applications leaves room for speculation about the actual impact of this decision.

It remains to be seen how the responsible deployment of AI technologies in the military will evolve in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Was Openai's Previous Usage Policy Regarding Military and Warfare Applications?

OpenAI's previous usage policy regarding military and warfare applications prohibited their use. Concerns raised by experts regarding the use of AI in warfare have led to a focus on the potential negative impacts.

What Are Some Concerns RAIsed by Experts Regarding the Use of AI in Warfare?

Ethical concerns have been raised by experts regarding the use of AI in warfare, specifically in relation to autonomous decision making. The potential for unintended consequences, lack of human oversight, and escalation of conflicts are among the key concerns.

Can Chatgpt Directly Engage in Lethal Actions?

ChatGPT, as a language model, lacks the capability to directly engage in lethal actions. However, the ethical implications and potential risks of developing AI weapons using ChatGPT highlight the need for regulation and careful consideration of military applications of AI.

How Is Chatgpt Currently Being Utilized by the U.S. Military?

ChatGPT is currently being utilized by the U.S. military for non-lethal tasks such as administrative processes and support for human analysts. This raises ethical concerns regarding the potential expansion of military applications using OpenAI's technology.

What Implications Does Openai's Decision to Ease the Ban on Military Use of Chatgpt Have for National Security Efforts?

The decision to ease the ban on military use of ChatGPT has ethical implications and highlights the role of technological advancements in national security efforts. It opens up possibilities for leveraging AI in non-lethal military tasks that align with OpenAI's mission.


In conclusion, OpenAI's decision to ease the ban on military use of ChatGPT raises concerns about the potential implications of AI in warfare.

While the company prohibits the use of its tools for malicious purposes, the uncertainty surrounding its policy on military applications raises questions about the extent of its commitment to restricting such usage.

The decision highlights the need for clear guidelines and ethical considerations when it comes to the integration of AI technologies in military contexts.

An example of this complexity is the hypothetical scenario of AI-powered autonomous weapons being used in conflict, which could have devastating consequences if not properly regulated.

A Closer Look at tl;dv: A Promising Tool Hindered by Key Flaws And Company Shady Practices

A Closer Look at tl;dv: A Promising Tool Hindered by Key Flaws And Company Shady Practices

In the digital age where virtual meetings are commonplace, AI-powered transcription services like tl;dv offer a convenient solution to capture and recall critical information. But as alluring as this technology may seem, it is not without its drawbacks.

This article scrutinizes the key issues that users encounter with tl;dv, providing a balanced look at its benefits, functionalities, and areas requiring enhancement. A tool we currently do not recommend, for the many reasons listed below.

Read the full review to find why!

A Revolutionary Concept: What is tl;dv?

tl;dv, or “too long; didn’t view,” seeks to revolutionize the way we record and transcribe meetings. It aims to capture essential meeting information, providing users with detailed descriptions and transcripts that eliminate the need for manual note-taking.

tl;dv is an AI-powered meeting recording tool for Zoom and Google Meet. With over 900,000 users, the tool has become a popular choice for capturing high-quality video and sound call moments​.

review of tldv ai meeting recording tool

Main Features

Automatic Meeting Recording and Transcription

The primary functionality of tl;dv is automatic meeting recording and transcription on Zoom and Google Meet. This feature allows users to immediately access their meetings afterward in their meetings library​​.

Transcription in 30+ Languages

tl;dv can automatically transcribe meetings in over 30 languages. This feature supports many languages, including German, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and many more​​.

Focus on the Conversation with AI Assistance

With tl;dv, users can focus on the conversation while AI takes care of note-taking. The tool can summarize key moments during meetings with a simple click or shortcut​.

Creation of Effective Short Clips

tl;dv allows users to tell a powerful story with bite-sized customer clips. Users can create clips from longer calls in just a couple of clicks, making it easy to share user feedback with the team​​.

AI-Powered Overview

Users can ask tl;dv’s AI for an overview of the meetings in their company. This functionality allows for searching for topics discussed during meetings to instantly find and summarize every discussion related to the keyword​​.

Workflow Automation

tl;dv seamlessly integrates with popular collaboration platforms and CRMs such as Notion, Google Docs, Slack, Salesforce, or HubSpot. This allows for sharing meeting moments and insights directly to your team’s workspaces, with no tab switching needed​​.

Getting Started with tl;dv

To get started with tl;dv, all you need to do is record, transcribe, clip, and share with Google Meet and Zoom. The tool makes the process of capturing and sharing meeting moments easier than ever​​.

Understanding the many Drawbacks

Despite its innovative premise, tl;dv has notable flaws that can impair its overall user experience.

Transcription Inaccuracies

Firstly, non-native English speakers have reported inaccuracies in the transcription process. This lack of precision can lead to potential miscommunication and misunderstandings, which is a significant concern in a professional setting where clear communication is vital.

Technical Issues

Further, some users have experienced technical issues with the Chrome extension, calling into question its reliability for consistent use.

Feature Fuzziness

Moreover, certain features of tl;dv are somewhat unclear or difficult to use. For example, some users have reported issues with the button to generate notes manually, which can lead to overlooked points that should have been highlighted. This oversight can lead to crucial information slipping through the cracks.

Inconsistency in Performance

Lastly, while tl;dv’s ability to record meetings and provide detailed notes has been praised by some users, others have criticized the inconsistency of this feature. This disparity in user experience points to a lack of consistency in tl;dv’s performance, further highlighting the need for refinement.

A Question of Respect: The Unsettling Experience with the tl;dv Ambassador Program

The tl;dv Ambassador Program, detailed on their website (, initially seems like an appealing opportunity. However, it’s important to share a recent experience that raises serious questions about the company’s respect and fairness towards its ambassadors.

The program was initially advertised as a simple process: make a post on Twitter or TikTok, gather the required number of impressions, and then contact tl;dv to request payment. The simplicity and straightforwardness of the process seemed promising and attracted a lot of influencers willing to do sponsored posts for the company.

The experience, however, was far from the enticing promise for us. After fulfilling the requirements with a well-received Twitter thread gathering over 300k impressions, an attempt was made to contact Carlo, the manager, to process the deserved payment. The ensuing communication was, to put it mildly, less than satisfactory. Despite sending two emails and even reaching out directly via Twitter, the responses were non-existent.

When Carlo finally responded, the excuse offered was questionable at best. He claimed that it was now necessary to register for the ambassador program in advance, before putting content out. This seemed arbitrary and inconsistent, especially considering that other Twitter accounts we know collaborating with tl;dv hadn’t signed any contract beforehand and yet, they were being compensated for their efforts.

This experience highlights a disappointing reality about the tl;dv Ambassador Program:

The lack of clear communication from their manager, the arbitrary changes in rules, and the reluctance to honour commitments.

It seems as though tl;dv is happy to benefit from the free press provided by potential ambassadors without offering the deserved respect and compensation in return. Such practices raise concerns about the program’s integrity and the company’s treatment of its ambassadors.

One can only hope that tl;dv will address these issues and establish a more respectful and transparent relationship with its ambassadors in the future.

The Competition: A Look at, another AI transcription service, has introduced features that streamline the meeting transcription process. For instance, the “Automatic Outline” feature uses proprietary AI to generate meeting summaries, eliminating the need to listen to an entire recording or read a full transcript.

Moreover, the “Meeting Gems” panel captures action items and key moments from meetings, fostering a more interactive and collaborative experience.


In conclusion, while tl;dv presents a promising concept with its AI-powered meeting transcription service, its execution leaves room for improvement.

Transcription inaccuracies, technical issues, feature fuzziness, and inconsistency in performance are key areas that need attention. tl;dv would benefit from further development and testing to truly revolutionize virtual meeting transcriptions.

We DO NOT recommend our readers to use this tool at the moment!

Internet giants detecting an increasing number of sexual abuse videos

Internet giants detecting an increasing number of sexual abuse videos

More than a year ago now, Facebook unveiled a new technology to detect abusive content.

While Microsoft has more recently unveiled its “Artemis” project to protect children from abuse on the internet, more and more videos and images are being reported and deleted by major social platforms for sexual abuse, especially of minors.

164 companies have reported sexual abuse

According to John Shehan, Vice President of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, “These figures show that any service provider who allows individuals to host images and videos is likely to publish child sexual exploitation material.

Overall, no fewer than 164 companies have reported content. Among these companies, Google reported more than 3.5 million images and videos, Yahoo more than 2 million, Imgur more than 260,000. Dropbox, Microsoft, Snap, and Twitter also reported more than 100,000 last year.

Apple, on the other hand, only reported just over 3,000 in total. These are only images; no videos were reported. This shows how difficult it is for the company to analyze the content sent from the messaging application.

In response to the various reports made by the companies, Alex Stamos, who was head of information security for both Facebook and Yahoo, said that “If all the companies involved were as aggressively looking at content like Facebook, the number of reports could be 50 million, or even 100 million”, indicating that there is still far too much content that is not reported by companies, which do not always have sufficiently powerful tools.

70 million images reported in 2019

As the New York Times reports, technology platforms remain infested with illegal content. In 2019, the number of reported content on the platforms increased by more than 50%, with a total of 70 million images reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. That is a clearinghouse designated by the US federal government that works with law enforcement.

Video is a format that platforms are more successful in detecting. However, it is also the most popular format with predators, so there were 41 million videos reported in 2019. That’s a lot more than five years ago when the number of reports was less than 350,000.

In 2019, Facebook found 60 million pieces of content, a mix of photos and videos, which represents 85% of all reports. This shows several elements. On the one hand that the social network is very popular and has a vast number of users, but also that it has an aggressive approach to limiting undesirable content, an approach which, however, does not exclude the activity of predators. For Antigone Davis, global head of security at Facebook, it is essential to continue to develop the best solutions to ensure the safety of more children.

Is your smartphone doomed? The big clash between Google and Huawei

Is your smartphone doomed? The big clash between Google and Huawei

On the eve of the deployment in the world of 5G technology, the next ultra-fast generation of mobile Internet, Donald Trump banned American telecommunications networks from sourcing equipment from foreign companies deemed “at risk” on Wednesday, May 15, a measure targeting Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant.

As a result, Google announced the suspension of the commercial version of its Android operating system and applications for Huawei phones. This decision has serious consequences for current and future users of the Chinese giant’s smartphones.

1. What is Huawei accused of?

In 2018, Huawei became the number two smartphone manufacturer, overtaking Apple. The company, headquartered in Shenzen, southern China, has long been on the radar screen of the American authorities.

Its founder, Ren Zhengfei, is far from inspiring the confidence of Western countries. A former army engineer, he is suspected of spying for the Chinese government.

Huawei and its subsidiaries are also accused of dozens of other crimes. Finance director Meng Wanzhou, daughter of the group’s founder, is suspected of violations of the Iranian embargo. For that, she was arrested in Canada on December 1, 2018, at the request of American investigators.

In February 2018, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA formally advised American business leaders against the use of Huawei devices. Federal law prohibits them even for government and military officials.

The United States has never publicly provided evidence to support these accusations, but for years it has been urging its allies to do without Huawei’s infrastructure.

2. Which changes for Huawei?

As long as it paid Google a license, the Huawei group could install the latest version of the Android system on its smartphones, which currently equips 85% of the phones sold worldwide.

On the blacklist, Huawei Technologies can no longer use the products made in the United States. The giant Google will no longer provide software, hardware, and technical services to Huawei, except for those available in open source (free access on the Internet). Huawei will have access to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), a royalty-free version of Google’s operating system.

3. Can we do without Google?

The crisis between the two giants raises the question of Google’s omnipresence in our digital lives and uses. We should note that the Alphabet’s subsidiary claims about 2.5 billion active Android devices worldwide.

However, a world without Android by Google is possible as in China, where 80% of smartphones are running on it while Google is banned. Chinese alternatives replace most of Google’s mobile applications, such as Tencent and Baidu.

4. Which impact for your mobile phone?

Europe, Huawei’s second largest market, is likely to be strongly impacted by this decision. The first significant consequence is that current users will no longer be able to update the Android operating system. However, they will be able to continue to use and update the mobile applications provided by Google.

It is not the case for future users of Huawei smartphones. Google will no longer provide its official store to the Chinese giant: the next devices will, therefore, lack the Google Play Store and applications developed by Google, such as Google Maps, Gmail, YouTube, and Google Chrome.

However, Google Play and security protections will continue to work on existing Huawei models.

The State Of Bitcoin And Crypto Market In 2019

The State Of Bitcoin And Crypto Market In 2019

Towards the end of 2017, the crypto market seemed poised to explode. The price of Bitcoin skyrocketed to incredible heights. Several other currencies, such as Ripple and Litecoin, also saw a surge in value. Now, however, the market seems less promising. Bitcoin has yet to pass the highs that it reached in 2017. Because of this, some people are now wary of investing in any cryptocurrency. If you have concerns about the state of the market, there are many things you should know.

Cryptocurrency Is Still Extremely Volatile

Since its inception, Bitcoin has been very volatile. That has yet to change; it may be years before the crypto market stabilises in a meaningful way. Because of this, you can expect that the price of Bitcoin will spike in the future, but it could wind up plummeting shortly after.

Cryptocurrency isn’t right for people that are looking for stable, low-risk investments that don’t require a lot of attention. If you do wind up putting a lot of your money into crypto, you’ll want to watch the market closely so that you’ll be able to sell when the time is right.

Bitcoin Isn’t Going Away Anytime Soon.

Some people have written Bitcoin off. If you’re among these people, you should know that Bitcoin isn’t going to be fading away at any point shortly. A growing number of sites are allowing people to pay with Bitcoin. It’s commonly used on online gambling sites as well.

Even though Bitcoin isn’t as valuable now as it was a few years ago, it’s becoming increasingly prominence. The public awareness of cryptocurrency is increasing, and people from all over the world are starting to invest in cryptocurrency. Bitcoin might not be around forever, but it still has many years ahead of it.

Other Currencies Are Getting A Lot Of Attention

Bitcoin is still the coin that people default to when they’re talking about cryptocurrency. However, there are many other coins on the market, which are usually referred to as “altcoins.” Many of these coins are also are getting a lot of attention from investors.

After the surge that Bitcoin saw, virtually every altcoin on the market grew in value. People chose to invest in these coins as shown by the serious website France Initiative, hoping that one of them would wind up being the next Bitcoin. While none of these coins grew quite as much as Bitcoin did, there are now plenty of different currencies that are worth investing in. If you’re curious about cryptocurrency, you’ll want to make sure you look at all the coins that are out there.

Take a closer look at the state of the Bitcoin and crypto market in 2019. If you look a little more closely at the market as it is today, you’ll be able to make decisions about how you want to invest in the future. Whether you opt to put your money into cryptocurrency or invest it elsewhere, you’ll be able to make smart decisions that will pay off for you in the future.

Warning: Two-thirds of antiviruses on Android are ineffective or unreliable

Warning: Two-thirds of antiviruses on Android are ineffective or unreliable

Before downloading or even paying for an antivirus software for your Android smartphone, you should read this carefully: according to a study conducted by AV-Comparatives, two-thirds of the antivirus software offered on Android is not reliable, and can even be scams.

To reach these conclusions, AV-Comparatives tested (via a framework) 250 apps against the 2,000 most common malicious applications on Android in 2018.

And according to these tests, only 80 out of 250 anti-viruses were able to detect more than 30% of these threats, while not making a false positive. 138 applications identified less than 30% of these threats or had high rates of false positives on popular applications known to be safe on the Play Store.

The good news is that 32 other applications have already been removed from the Play Store by Google in the last two months.

Beware of opinions

For those who want to install antivirus software on their smartphones, AV-Comparatives recommend not to rely on reviews.

Indeed, users tend to give opinions based on the user experience and not on the effectiveness against online threats. On the other hand, developers can also boost their applications on the Play Store with false opinions. “For this reason, only applications from known, verified and reputable vendors,” explains the company in the conclusion of its study.

According to the latter, reliable suppliers always have “a professional website with contact information and privacy policy.” Furthermore,  “It should also be possible to try the application (trial use is usually allowed for a few weeks) before purchase,” adds AV-Comparatives. “Users can then evaluate the usability and additional features of the product. Some vendors offer very efficient free versions of their applications. In general, they are more likely to display advertising compared the paid version, although this is not always the case.”

Beware of antivirus Android softwares!

In its study, AV-Comparatives denounces applications that would be developed by amateurs, or that have been created by entities that are not specialists in computer security.

The company considers applications that have failed its test as “ineffective or unreliable.” Some are even considered as Trojans, fake antivirus software or potentially unwanted applications by “reputable” security companies.

“It is expected that Google will remove most of them from the Google Play Store in the coming months (and hopefully improve their verification controls, thus blocking other applications in the Store),” writes AV-Comparative.

Fortunately, there are also really effective antiviruses. In its study, AV-Comparative lists the 80 software programs that have passed its tests (detect more than 30% of threats). Some applications, such as AVG, F-Secure, Trend Micro or Symantec, have even received a 100% score, and are among the best antivirus products on the market.

What are the best smartphones to take pictures in 2019?

What are the best smartphones to take pictures in 2019?

For many, the photo part is essential when it comes to choosing a new phone. Samsung Galaxy S or Note, Huawei P or Mate… there is a wide range of high-quality smartphones with an excellent camera to consider for purchase. Here is our selection of the best smartphones for amazing pictures on the market in 2019.

Samsung Galaxy S10 / 10 Plus: versatile triple sensor

With the Galaxy S10, Samsung has also chosen to integrate a triple sensor module for its new flagship. It includes a 12-megapixel primary camera, a 12-megapixel x2 zoom, and a 16-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera. Very versatile, this configuration can be adapted to all situations, thanks to its main sensor which is excellent in all conditions (indoor, outdoor, low light, backlight, on a moving target, etc.). We can appreciate its ultra-wide-angle mode, even if the few distortions are disappointing and the night shots could be better.

For selfies, he can rely on a 10-megapixel front camera hidden at the bubble in the screen. With the right light conditions or the flash, the result is correct, but the low brightness strongly affects the loss of depth, with a smoothing of the textures far too obvious.

Huawei P30 Pro: best portrait mode of the moment

The Huawei P30 Pro is the ultimate version of the new flagship. With its triple sensor module 40 + 20 + 8 megapixels, accompanied by a ToF (Time of Flight) sensor to evaluate depth and distance, the new flagship of the Chinese manufacturer manages to perfect the almost perfect solution of its predecessor. Whatever the context (day/night/indoor/outdoor), the shots are always stunning with beautiful bright colors. It also features a highly efficient ultra-wide-angle mode, an impressive 10x zoom and the best portrait mode of the moment.

Concerning its 32-megapixel front sensor, the result is compelling with a very significant level of detail for a selfie camera.

Nokia 9 PureView: only smartphoone with 5 sensors

With the Nokia 9 PureView, the manufacturer HMD wants to hit a big blow to shade the best photophones in the segment. Designed in partnership with start-up company Light, the new Finnish flagship has therefore chosen to integrate 5 photosensors, each with 12 megapixels. How does it work? The module captures five photos at the same time at different exposure settings, then analyzes and merges them to produce a single shot. On paper, this principle aims to capture 10 times more information.

In reality, the result is outstanding, even if it is not the best photophone of the moment. With the Nokia 9 PureView, the photo quality is very close to that of the Galaxy S10, and it is a perfect point for a smartphone that costs more than 200 dollars less.

The Truth Behind Using A Weed Vaporizer

The Truth Behind Using A Weed Vaporizer

If you use weed, now is the time to stop smoking it via traditional methods such as in joint form or via a bong. You should switch over to a weed vaporizer. To convince you that this is what you should do, check out the below benefits of using a tragbare vaporizer test.

1. Fewer Toxins

Weed is not as unhealthy as cigarettes, but it doesn’t mean pot has severe and potential health risks stemming from the smoke it produces. There is quite a bit of toxin when you smoke weed, but this isn’t the case when you vape it. Weed vaporizers contain and produce fewer toxins, which is why vaping tend to be healthier than smoking.

Vaporizers don’t combust weed. When you use a bong or a pipe, then the weed becomes combusted, hence why pipes and bongs are not as healthy as cannabis vapes. The bottom line is vaporizers are the best way to consume marijuana.

2. You Inhale Less Smoke

Speaking of smoke and toxins, when you use a vaporizer, you won’t inhale as much smoke as you would smoking weed. Inhaling smoke of any kind can damage your lungs and make breathing difficult, as well as lead to other unwanted symptoms. If you want to do your lungs a favor, then switch to a weed vaporizer. Inhaling less smoke means less stress and damage to your lungs.

In turn, you could improve your oral health. Smoking weed or anything for that matter can wreak havoc on your teeth and oral health. Switching to a vape may improve your smile, teeth and oral health in general.

3. Saves You Money

Davinci IQ cannabis vapeIn the long run, you’ll save more money. Instead of wasting money on rolling papers or replacing low-quality bongs and pipes, you can invest in a high-quality vaporizer that will last for a very long time to come. If you switch to a vape and stick to it for a good year and then compare how much you spent vaping to how much you spent smoking weed other methods. You might be surprised at how much money you’ll save when you start using a vape.

4. Works Faster

Many people believe that vaping weed is the quickest way to get a hit. If you like smoking it for the effects, it causes, or you want to enjoy the potential health benefits that weed offers, then you’ll love using a vaporizer. Vaping it means it will immediately get into your system and you should experience its short-term effects right away or nearly right away. Just make sure you choose a quality vape that has a good delivery system, as this will ensure you get a hit fast.

There are many other benefits of using a cannabis vaporizer. Those are only a handful, but some of the top ones. All you have to do now is shop around for weed vaporizers and compare as many as you can before deciding which one to buy. With so many options out there, finding the ideal one should be easy.


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